NDSU Press
Rethinking Rural, Volume 1
Rethinking Rural: Reflections on Today, Insights for the Future
Rethinking Rural Series, Volume 1
250 pp. / paperback
Matt Ehlman, Series Editor
Matt Ehlman, Rethinking Rural Series Editor, host and organizer of the Morning Fill Up, a series of public gatherings intended to inspire and engage and to put creative energies into action for the betterment of the entire community.
Chapter 1: My Second-Generation Immigrant Experience in Rural America
Taneeza Islam, attorney at law specializing in civil rights and immigration law and co-founder of South Dakota Voices for Peace and Justice
Chapter 2: The 2020 Census: Counting Everyone Once, Only Once, and in the Right Place
Deirdre Dalpiaz-Bishop, geographic advisor and coordinator for the 2020 Census, chief of the Decennial Census Management Division
Chapter 3: Indian Country
Antonia Gonzales (member of the Navajo Nation), anchor and producer of National Native News; past associate producer for Native America Calling and television reporter for a CBS affiliate in New Mexico
Chapter 4: An Educated People—Higher Education in Rural America
Heather Wilson, PhD, president of the University of Texas—El Paso, past president of South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and the twenty-fourth Secretary of the United States Air Force
Chapter 5: One Farmer’s Rural Perspective
Ron Rossman, co-owner of Rosmann Family Farms, founding member of Practical Farmers of Iowa; nationally known for testifying before the US Congress on agricultural issues and hosting international guests learning about new farming approaches
Chapter 6: Stories That Bring Us Together
Paula Kerger, with Craig Langford; Kerger: president and CEO of PBS and initiator for access to early learning through PDS KIDS; Langford: speechwriter for the mayor of Washington, DC, and the president of PBS
Chapter 7: Resilient, Vibrant, and Always Changing—the Rural I Know
Kathleen Annette, PhD, member of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe, past president and CEO of Blandin Foundation and past deputy director of field operations of the Indian Health Service
Chapter 8: Getting Things Done in Rural America: Examining Trends in Rural Philanthropy
Laurie Paarlberg, professor of philanthropic studies at Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University
Chapter 9: Rural America
Adam Steltzner and Pam Gildersleeve-Hernandez; Steltzner is a NASA engineer working for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and chief engineer for the Mars 2020 Project; Gildersleeve-Hernandez is executive director at CUE, a member-driven education nonprofit.
Chapter 10: Righting Relationships: One Perspective on Rural America
Robert Grant, pastor during the 1980s farming crisis; currently professor of Environmental and Historical Theology at St. Ambrose University (Davenport, IA); author of books on environmental ethics; winner of the Eddy Award for environmental education
Matt Ehlman
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