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Products tagged with 'north dakota'

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Song for Liv, A

A Song for Liv by Wayne Gudmundson is a love letter to his daughter, Liv. Serendipitously, the modern Nordic name Liv also means ‘life.’ As well as a gift to his daughter, A Song for Liv, is a personal meditation on place, the search for personal and ethnic identity, and the complexities therein, much of which is located in the mists (and myths) of time with only the ancient landscapes of those stories remaining. Combining travel notes, Icelandic history and lore, and family relationships, Gudmundson’s form here—best characterized as hybrid—weaves a tapestry that is at once inviting and accessible, each page entry a stanza-like lyric of the larger song."
—Thom Tammaro, three-time Minnesota Book Award recipient and author of When the Italians Came to My Home Town and Italian Days & Hours

“Written as a gift from a father to his daughter, A Song for Liv gathers up what wisdom and understanding a father can offer. His story begins its search for ancestral places in the Faroe Islands, where Gudmundson explores his investment in the larger Scandinavian world, having claimed a portion of the Faroes as his own. The narrative of the Norse invasion of Scandinavia continues on through Iceland to Canada to the settlement of Gimli, Manitoba, and from there to a small church in North Dakota, the home of Gudmundson’s grandparents and the protean poet K.N., whose spirit hovers over the entire narrative.”
—David Arnason, writer, professor, and Viking from Gimli, Manitoba


Songs of Horses and Lovers

Camrud channels the storytelling spirit & tradition of valiant narratives, melding tones of landscapes, women, and men into a familial literary score that maps emotions on the expansive Dakota prairie. Labeled a book of songs, this poetry collection is a hymn to the adventurous European women who transplanted on the northern plains in the aftershocks of ocean and continent crossings and to their hyphenated-American daughters and daughters’ daughters born in successive generations.


Sons of the Wild Jackass: The Nonpartisan League in North Dakota

Napoleon Bonaparte once told his courtiers that true leadership required the ability to inspire those who would follow. “A leader is a dealer in hope,” he insisted. This kind of leadership inspired farmers of North Dakota to form the Nonpartisan League in 1915. Stirred by charismatic leaders—including a stem-winding speaker who told his lieutenants to lie to the farmers when it helped the cause, a future governor who would survive a series of scandals, and a talented lawyer who was perpetually threatened by debt—the League sparked similar actions in neighboring states. The League’s best times were brief, but what the members achieved influenced national legislation and programs that aid American farmers to this day.

Drawing on newspapers, interviews and collections of private papers, Sons of the Wild Jackass uses ground-level perspectives to tell the story of the League.

Hardcover, 264 pp., 23 photographs, index, bibliography

Spectacular North Dakota Hikes

Two of North Dakota's most avid hikers, Susan Wefald and her dog Sandy, share their notes on 50 of North Dakota's best day hikes. Armchair and seasoned hikers alike will enjoy exploring North Dakota's diverse landscape with Susan and Sandy. Learn the locations of spectacular vistas. Try one of Susan's picnic lunches. Expand neighborhood strolls into the great outdoors. Bring your dog!

By Susan Wefald
ISBN 978-0-911042-75-7
Copyright 2011



More than four hundred Russian and Romanian Jewish homesteaders settled on about eighty-five farms in McIntosh County, North Dakota, beginning in 1905. After clearing rocks and boulders, growing wheat and flax, raising cattle and chickens, and selling cream from their sod houses, most were successful enough to own their own land.

Still is a history of five generations, a family we meet first as they flee Odessa and last as they make their ways as American Jews . . . and as Dakota farmers, as students and storekeepers, as soldiers and lawyers, and even as a teen in an international competition who stands face-to-face with Netanyahu. Rebecca Bender and Kenneth Bender answer the question recently posed to Rebecca by a newspaper reporter: Are you still Jewish?

Paperback, 370 pp


Tori & the Sleigh of Midnight Blue

A work of fiction for young readers. Set in North Dakota in the 1930s, its protagonist is a Norwegian farm girl, Tori, whose mother is a widow. When a Norwegian bachelor-farmer begins courting Mama, Tori writes in her journal that her life is about to be ruined.

By: Margo Sorenson.
