Dakota Circle

Dakota Circle is a wry, sometimes humorous description of the people and things that make up the Great Plains. Includes the notorious "You Must be from N.D." list of regional virtues and idiosyncrasies.

By Tom Isern.
ISBN # 0-911042-53-9
Copyright 2000
203 pages.

Availability: 1040 in stock

Tom Isern, Professor of History at North Dakota State University, has lived all his life on the Great Plains of North America. Because his mid-life crisis began at about age nineteen, he has spent a long time thinking about what it means to live and work on the plains. He has written or co-authored six previous books about life on the plains and since 1983 has co-authored the weekly newspaper column, "Plains Folk" In the year of publication of Dakota Circle, he was named NDSU's Fargo Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Professor. 

ISBN: 0-911042-53-9

Page Count: 203

Picture Count: 41



Publication Year: 2000