College of Engineering
Dads & Daughters Do Science (DADDS)
DADDS (Dads And Daughters Do Science) is a one-day event that allows young girls (Grades K-2) to learn about and explore the different branches of science while doing hands-on activities with their dads. The day will consist of various activities using Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Daughters will be exposed to various STEM fields, and dads will learn more about how to encourage their daughters to pursue their interests.
This event will take place on Saturday, April 12, 2025 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in the A. Glenn Hill Center - STEM Bldg, Room #126. We look forward to seeing you and your daughter/s.
Parents must complete a waiver form for each child before the start of the camp. Your child's registration is not complete until we receive the waiver. Please download and complete this Waiver Form
IAC Membership Dues
NDSU Construction Management & Engineering Industry Advisory Council Membership Dues. Annual IAC Membership Dues are $100.00.
If you would like to add an additional contribution, please enter how much you would like to contribute in the second section.
Please scroll down and hit "Add to Cart" for each item you wish to purchase.
Pledge of the Computing Professional
On Thursday, December 19, 2024, the College of Engineering will hold a Ring and Pin Ceremony. This ceremony is a blending of two significant and celebratory events, the Order of the Engineer and the Pledge of the Computing Professional. The ceremony begins at 5:30PM in the Memorial Union - Anishinaabe Theater. All Fall 2024 graduates are invited to participate.
Grades 3-5 Budding Biologist
Are you fascinated by the world of living things? Expand your knowledge and have some fun by exploring organisms both large and small. Students will build critical thinking skills as they study and observe animals, life cycles, and so much more.
Join NDSU for a variety of summer kids camps. Camps are offered two different weeks (July 14th-17th, 2025 and July 21st-24th, 2025) on the NDSU campus.
Parents must complete a waiver form for each child before the start of the camp. Your child's registration is not complete until we receive the waiver. Please download and complete this Waiver Form
K-8 Courses
Early - $130 per course
May 13th - June 6th - $160 per course
Grades 3-5 Coding with Scratch
In this course, students will be learning about computer science using Scratch. They will learn the basics of coding and will design and create their own interactive game. Scratch helps young people think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively - essential skills for life in the 21st century.
Join NDSU for a variety of summer kids camps. Camps are offered two different weeks (July 14th-17th, 2025 and July 21st-24th, 2025) on the NDSU campus.
Parents must complete a waiver form for each child before the start of the camp. Your child's registration is not complete until we receive the waiver. Please download and complete this Waiver Form
K-8 Courses
Early - $130 per course
May 13th - June 6th - $160 per course
Grades 3-5 Disaster Strikes
Tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes are some of the most destructive forces on our planet. Learn how humans are using STEM to understand these phenomena so we can predict and protect ourselves from the damage they can cause.
Join NDSU for a variety of summer kids camps. Camps are offered two different weeks (July 14th-17th, 2025 and July 21st-24th, 2025) on the NDSU campus.
Parents must complete a waiver form for each child before the start of the camp. Your child's registration is not complete until we receive the waiver. Please download and complete this Waiver Form
K-8 Courses
Early - $130 per course
May 13th - June 6th - $160 per course